
What is Rapidleech?
What is rapidleech? Rapidleech is a free file transfer script, which transfers file's from popular file upload/download sites like,, etc to its own server from where you can download the file with out and limitations. You can pause/resume your download as well since download managers are supported. No need to enter stupid captcha code and wait for your download to begin as well.
Here is a little tutorial to help you know how to download from rapidleech sites, its really easy so lets get started:
  • Paste the download link of the file you want to download in the box below "Link to Transload" and press the button that says "Transload File"
  • Most rapidleech sites automatically open a pop-up at this point. The pop-up will usually contain ads and you'll have to click on one of the ads to begin your download.
  • The main window where you have entered the download link will wait for 10-20 seconds before it starts to transfer the file you have requested to their server.
  • Once it is transferred you'll be given the link of the file you want to download which is now hosted on the rapidleech's server.
  • Here are few more things you should be aware of:
  • Auto-delete: This is the time that your file will remain on the rapidleech server before it is deleted. Make sure you download your file before this time.
  • Premium accounts: Rapidleech sites too need premium accounts to support instant/parallel downloads. You do not need to provide these premium accounts or even have one. They usually are added by the owners of the rapidleech site.
  • Plugins: Even if the rapidleech site doesn't have premium accounts, you can still download from it. If the plugin of the file host you want to download from is in the list of plugins then you download from it. But it won't support Instant and parallel downloads.
  • File size: It is the maximum file size that can be transloaded to the rapidleech server.
  • Some rapidleech servers also impose a limit on the number of files you can download using their service. Its reset every 24 hours.
What is PLG? Premium link generators
PLG, Premium link generators are special sites which help you by providing download links which have all the premium features! Unlike rapidleech sites these sites don't take time to download the file to their server, they offer instant downloads without the need of clicking those annoying ads!

What Is Premium Cookies?

The internet and its associated applications are fast becoming smarter and are evolving at a fast pace. The most recent trend among the intelligent online applications is the ability to identify the users and automatically log in them without the user needing to give out any login information. Sounds interesting right? Well, indeed the idea seems fresh and is seen to make the task at hand for most internet users easy and smoother than before.

Premium Cookies

The basic idea about the premium cookies is that they are a few essential website elements that come in as a part of certain websites hosting login services. The basic idea behind a premium cookie is to enable the browser or the website’s database to determine the user without actually asking for any input from the user end.

How to Use Premium Cookies

  • Install the latest version of Firefox
  • Download the Cookie editor for Firefox
  • Open Firefox and login to Megaupload free account
  • Go to Tools> Cookie Editor
  • Search for “megaupload” and press “Filter/Refresh”
  •  Double click to “” site with “auth” value
  • Paste a valid premium cookie to “Content” bar and click the save button
  • Just Refresh the page
Once done with this, the browser is able to get hold of the users identity without any input and does login automatically.
When it comes to premium cookies, the core idea is to keep the account logged on so as to facilitate uninterrupted exchange of information from the client to the server. The most basic use of it comes to downloading large amounts of data from secured servers which require the users to log in. Premium cookies play the saviour in these kinds of activities. In events of temporary of network failure, the premium cookies enable the browsers to carry forth the transfer as it automatically logs into the account.
These are coded as extensions in the browsers which help in real-time user login. The three versions of Premium Cookie Injector; the popular browser extension has been rolling of support systems for different websites time and  again and the list of Premium Cookie supporting websites has been increasing over time.
Visit the Premium Cookies site here